Dear Readers,

On Wednesday October 12, 2016 I visited the WWII Memorial in
Washington DC. This was my first visit to the Memorial and I found it very
enlightening! I have been to DC several times, but this was my first
opportunity to pay my respects to the men and women from WWII.
WWII was one of the most grueling, yet influential wars that
the United States ever fought. The causes were many and the ramifications were
endless. There is no way that we can even begin to understand every aspect of
the war and its impacts. The men and women devoted to the cause were fighting
for their fundamental values and beliefs- the morals they held dear, and the
Truth that they loved. They were fighting for Freedom, and were honored to do
so. They believed they had a responsibility to protect Freedom at all costs. So
many men made the ultimate sacrifice for their country, and were willing to do
it for the sake of Freedom. And this is why a Memorial has been erected in DC
to the Greatest Generation.

I have to say, this Memorial did not teach me about the
history of the war, so much, as it taught me how to look at history, and the
War specifically, with new eyes. It is so important to remember when we look
into the past, that those were living Souls at one time. The Memorial really
brought that to life for me, once again. I was reminded that these men who
fought and died to protect my rights, and the rights of so many others, were
more than just numbers in the military, more than just statistics on a page,
more than just facts in a book. They were real, living, breathing people. These
people had hopes and dreams and loves and dislikes. If we ever lose that
perspective, then we have lost the perspective of true history.

The Memorial is one that truly does give you an appreciation
for the War. The memorial is absolutely massive. It is very solemn- a time for
reflection. The words etched in stone, the fountain, the pillars for each state
and province- they all serve as a beautiful reminder of the people, the War,
and the principles for which they fought. I was in awe the entire time I was
there, at the serenity and majesty of it all.

The site, I feel, interprets WWII, the sacrifices made, and
the solemnity of the War quite well. It does not try to put a spin on the war,
or pass judgment, or pass an agenda. It merely stands as a testament to all of
the lives lost, and all of the people who fought and also those who died.

The WWII Memorial will stay in my memory as one of my
favorite historic sites. I could not help but think, as I stood there, how
proud my great grandfather would be if he could see the Memorial. Being a WWII
Marine veteran, I am sure it would have brought a tear to his eye, as it did
Always in His Arms,
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